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Product Reviews


    "Was skeptical at first but I trust my friend who uses this product religiously so I bought it to help me with my SI joint pain. He was right it does help."

  • JOHN I.

    "Well worth it!!! Works great! After 6 months of shoulder pain, with numbness in arm, completely pain free in one week."

  • CAROL S.

    "I use this larger pad over the top of my collar bone which I broke in a fall from a ladder. The size and shape is perfect for straddling the curve."

  • Colleen R.

    "Over the last several years I have purchased several products and have been very pleased with each of them. The wireless TENS machine, the infrared heating pad, the compression leg machine and the massager have all been great products."

  • John L.

    "Love the quick delivery of these refills. I ordered the mini TENS unit to keep at work. This product is so easy to use and I can just leave it in place all day and turn it on/off as needed. The pads stay soft and usable for several weeks! So glad I found my iRelive products!"

  • Art H.

    "The device works great. I am carrying it with me in my EDC bag and plan on it being my go to muscle relaxer and soreness

    reducer. It works fast and better than pain meds and no side effects."

  • Donald W.

    "I am so thankful for my iReliev ET-7070 unit. It does a great job on my shoulder following a reverse total shoulder repair last November. I highly recommend it for those needing TENS Therapy as part of the healing process."

  • Manuel Y.

    "My wife constantly suffers from shoulder and back pain from fatigue. I bought her a portable massager along with this unit. She uses iReliev when she lays down watching TV and she told me that she loves it because it helps relieve some of the pain she's suffering from."

  • Kehau T.

    "I am a massage therapist and it is hard for me to get self care for myself, so I decided to buy one of these units and it is amazing my husband has had chronic pain in his shoulder and they use this device on him and at first he was skeptical but he feels 90% better just after one use this product is amazing."